Occupational disability and pensions

Occupational disability and pensions

Occupational disability has major financial consequences. Check out the arrangements made by employers to offer their employees more financial security in these situations.

Financial security for your employee in case of occupational disability

What if your employee becomes incapacitated for work? This will have major consequences for his or her pension accrual and monthly income. Read about the arrangements made by most employers to offer their employees more financial security in the event of occupational disability.

Waiver of contributions in the event of occupational disability

This means that in the case of occupational disability of your employee, your pension provider will take over all or part of the payment of the pension contributions, subject to certain conditions. In this way, your employee continues to accrue a pension. Whether and how much of the pension contribution your pension provider will take over depends on the degree of occupational disability and whether the employee receives benefits under the Dutch Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act.

Occupational disability pension

In the event of occupational disability, your employee also loses part of his or her monthly income. In that case, an occupational disability pension can be a supplement. Whether an employee who is incapacitated for work is entitled to this depends on the degree of occupational disability and whether they receive benefits under the Dutch Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act.

All pension products with occupational disability coverage at a glance:

  • In the event that your employee gets an occupational disability, Zwitserleven takes over the oremium in the i-Pension from you. It is also possible to expand with an extra occupational disability pension. 
  • In the Exclusive Pension, which is our most exhaustive pension scheme, you pay a premium for both pension and for occupational disability. 
  • With the Pension Now you pay a separate premium for the contribution waiver. When an employee gets an occupational disibility, Zwitserleven takes over the premium payment from you. 
  • Director/majority shareholders can co-insure a contribution waiver in the case of occupational disaiblity in their DGA Pension. 

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