You have entrusted Zwitserleven with your pension. We sincerely hope you will choose us again in 2025. These pages provide more information about your pension scheme. You will also stay informed about the planning and what you can expect from us.
Are you an adviser? We provide you with a clear overview, including the letters of notification. View all information.
Your current pension scheme is about to end
Now is a good time to ask yourself the following questions:
- Does your pension scheme still reflect the needs of your organisation and your situation?
- How will changing legislation and regulations affect your pension scheme?
- Can you estimate the level of your pension costs in the coming five years?
- Would you like to make changes to your pension scheme?
- Or you would like to receive a proposal for a different scheme?
To answer these questions properly you should seek sound and thorough advice from a pension adviser. This will increase your chances of finding a pension scheme that ties in with your needs and requirements.
Suggestion: Remember to draw up an “engagement letter” between yourself and your adviser. This will ensure clarity as to your adviser's fees and services.
Do you live abroad?
We are only permitted to renew your agreement if your company is permanently established in the Netherlands and meets certain conditions. Read more
Future of Pensions Act and your pension scheme
As of July 1, 2023, the Dutch Future of Pensions Act (Wtp) went into effect. We will be ready to bid for pension schemes in line with this new legislation. By 1 January 2028, all pension schemes will have to comply with the new legislation. We recommend that you discuss this with your adviser well in advance, as the changes will affect both you and the employees in your pension scheme. Your adviser will be able to clarify the impact of the Wtp and how your pension scheme needs to be adjusted. Be sure to talk to your adviser about your scheme. We will ensure that the transition to your new contract is seamless and smooth.
Want to learn more? Read more about it here or ask your advisor.
Your proposal
Between July and October 2024, we will send a new proposal to your adviser. The new proposal will be based on your current pension scheme. We will let you know when the proposal is available to your adviser. Depending on your scheme, you can choose from different products. Check out the different options below.

Defined contribution scheme
Are you currently subscribed to a defined contribution scheme? In that case, you will receive a proposal for a defined contribution scheme.

Average or final pay scheme
Are you currently subscribed to an average pay scheme or a final pay scheme? In that case, you will receive a proposal for the Zwitserleven i-Pensioen Middelloon.

Participant communication
We can give presentations for your employees or answer personal questions about their pension situation. We also organise various events.
Planning for the coming period
Below is an overview of when to expect more information from us. It will tell you exactly what to expect.
July – october | October – december | 2025 |
You receive a letter that your adviser can view the proposal. |
Finalise renewal proposal. |
Implement new pension scheme. Terminate old pension scheme. |
Respond to proposal. | Receive document(s) from adviser for signature. | Inform your employees. |
Receive amended proposal (where applicable) . |