
Step into your financial future

MijnZwitserleven is your personal platform which contains all your pension information. View your expected pension income and gain further insight into your financial future. You can login with your DigiD or with your e-mail address and passwords. 

MijnZwitserleven lets you:

  • Gain an understanding of your total pension, your partner's pension (if any) and your expected expenses.
  • See how early retirement will affect your pension benefits.
  • Supplement your retirement income.

Gain insight into your pension in 3 simple steps

Log in

Log in to MijnZwitserleven. View your Zwitserleven pension details. Enter any additional pension information relating to you and your partner. 


Gain insight into your total, collective pension. Receive an estimate of your future expenses and find out how you would be affected if you took early retirement.

Make any necessary adjustments

Can you receive a supplementary pension through your employer? Arrange for a supplementary pension in MijnZwitserleven or ask your adviser about any alternative options.