How we will guide participants through the upcoming transition
ImagePension Agreement

How we will guide participants through the upcoming transition

ImageReadtime 1 minutes

The new Pensions Act brings quite a few changes. As an employer, you are well aware of this. As a pension provider, we are also obliged to inform participants in time about the changes that are coming. When we do this will depend on when you indicate you wish to move to a pension scheme that meets the standards of the Future Pensions Act (Wtp), which at any rate has to happen by 1 January 2028.

In the coming period therefore, we will send all your employees currently actively accruing pension with us a general notice, either by letter or by e-mail. This will explain that we will inform them about the changes when you let us know when you will change the pension scheme. And that it could therefore be some time before participants will be affected. We will also refer them to our website, where they can read more about the Future Pensions Act.

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