Compensation schemes lead to the use of non-retroactive effect.
The recent document with questions from the Dutch House of Representatives about the new system and Minister Schouten’s answers to those questions may raise some eyebrows. A column by Berry van Sonsbeek.
Readtime 8 minutes
Zwitserleven introduces: Zwitserleven Variable Pension.
Good news for your employees with a defined contribution scheme who are about to retire! Since the beginning of April 2022, they can choose to take a variable pension in addition to a fixed pension with Zwitserleven.
Readtime 4 minutes
Advantages and disadvantages of a flexible contribution scheme.
In the new pension system, we have two types of contribution schemes: a flexible and a solidary contribution scheme. In essence they have much in common. The main difference is in the way the returns reach the participants and the extent to which solidarity reserves are used.
Readtime 5 minutes
Zwitserleven nominated for Pensioen Pro Award.
Zwitserleven has been nominated for the Pensioen Pro Award in the category 'Long-term investor of the year 2021'. The award is presented to the pension provider with a distinctive investment strategy that delivers both financial and social returns.
Readtime 2 minutes
Continuing the average pay scheme or switching to a pension fund.
In this blog, a real-life case study will be discussed. It is an average pay scheme provided by an insurance company that is swapped for an average pay scheme with a better accrual percentage provided by a voluntary industry-wide pension fund.
Readtime 8 minutes
Fixed versus variable pension income.
A key principle in the development of the new pension system is that pension incomes should move more in line with returns. This desire is mainly instilled by the fact that pension funds have seen little to no indexation in recent years and a number of pension funds are threatening to lower pension incomes.
Readtime 5 minutes
Optimal investment policy at participant level.
In the current system of individual defined contribution schemes, we use the lifecycle system to select the investments at participant level. Later, under the new pension system, we will once again work use lifecycles in the flexible defined contribution scheme. Berry van Sonsbeek on lifecycle models under the new pension system.
Readtime 5 minutes
Zwitserleven leads the way in sustainable investing.
Zwitserleven, as part of Athora Netherlands, has the most sustainable investment policy in the Netherlands. This is apparent from the annual benchmark 'Responsible Investing by Insurers in the Netherlands' of the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO).
Readtime 3 minutes
Zwitserleven online payroll link for your employees.
Many employers know how it is: a new employee has been in service for a while but is not yet registered for the pension scheme. Or someone receives a pay rise that influences his or her pension contribution.
Readtime 3 minutes