Good financial results for parent company Zwitserleven.

Good financial results for parent company Zwitserleven.

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2022 annual figures: Solvency II ratios rise to 205%

Athora Netherlands has published its financial results for 2022. A full summary is available in Athora's press release. Here are the highlights:

  • Net underlying result of €413 million (2021: €302 million), mainly due to higher investment income and the new position of the investment portfolio
  • Gross premiums of €1,763 million, 2% higher than 2021 (not factoring in the impact of pension buyouts)
  • 7% increase in pension contributions, proving the success of the strategy in this market
  • Zwitserleven PPI continues to grow – net deposits increased by 23% to €320 million.
  • Net result IFRS from continuing operations was -€928 million. The market value of investments was under pressure due to higher interest rates, credit spreads and cost provisions.

The Solvency II ratio for Athora Netherlands N.V. increased to 205% (2021: 180%) and for SRLEV increased to 207% (2021: 180%).

2025 ambition: strategic progress

Three transactions have boosted Athora Netherlands in 2022, enabling it to grow into a leading pension insurer:

  • The agreed acquisition of WTW's PPI in the Netherlands (€1.1 billion in invested pension assets)
  • The agreed acquisition of the second-pillar pension portfolio of Onderlinge 's-Gravenhage (€300 million)
  • The transfer of pension entitlements from Pension Fund A.C. Nielsen to Zwitserleven

Athora's CEO Jan de Pooter elaborates on the annual figures in the press release. He touches on all success factors: great new products, new major customers, buyouts, the management, the investment strategy, the solid capital position, our employees' huge level of commitment and our customers' trust – the participants, employers and advisors.

View the financial results summarized on one page here

This article is published on 04 April 2023

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