Sustainable Investing: Activities Fourth Quarter 2024
Cardano Asset Management, the fund manager for the Zwitserleven funds, reports quarterly on the implementation of its sustainable investment policy.
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Adopting previous choices of participants during the transition from Zwitserleven to Zwitserleven PPI
Adopting previous choices of participants during the transition from Zwitserleven to Zwitserleven PPI
Readtime 5 minutes
MijnZwitserleven is now even more efficient
MijnZwitserleven for employers has been enhanced in several areas for greater clearity and user-friendliness.
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New on MijnZwitserleven for employers
An update of new features on MijnZwitserleven
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Athora Netherlands half-year figures 2024
A brief summary of the financial results of Athora Netherlands, the parent company of Zwitserleven, for the first half of 2024.
Readtime 3 minutes