Our PensioenAvond (English: PensionEvening) webinar provides insight into your pension and which choices you can make either now or later regarding this. These webinars are for everyone between 40-55 years and for 62 years and above. 

Watch the PensioenAvond 62+ webinar

This PensioenAvond webinar was all about gaining insight into making important choices in the run-up to the retirement date. What communication do you receive from Zwitserleven, what choices can you make and how do I purchase a pension? And we talked about:

  • The Future Pensions Act
  • Retirement is approaching: what does the journey look like?
  • How does MijnZwitserleven work (personal online environment)
  • Variable Pension
Webinar PensioenAvond 62+

Webinar PensioenAvond 62+

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Your pension in MijnZwitserleven

In MijnZwitserleven:

  • You get insight into your total pension, including that of your partner and expected expenses.
  • See what it means if you want to retire early.
  • You can supplement your pension income.

Personal video call about your pension

Do you have any questions about your pension? A personal video call with one of our staff members will quickly give you a better idea about your pension.