Sustainable Investing: Activities Fourth Quarter 2024
Cardano Asset Management, the fund manager for the Zwitserleven funds, reports quarterly on the implementation of its sustainable investment policy.
Readtime 2 minutes
Adopting previous choices of participants during the transition from Zwitserleven to Zwitserleven PPI
Adopting previous choices of participants during the transition from Zwitserleven to Zwitserleven PPI
Readtime 5 minutes
MijnZwitserleven is now even more efficient
MijnZwitserleven for employers has been enhanced in several areas for greater clearity and user-friendliness.
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New on MijnZwitserleven for employers
An update of new features on MijnZwitserleven
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Athora Netherlands half-year figures 2024
A brief summary of the financial results of Athora Netherlands, the parent company of Zwitserleven, for the first half of 2024.
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Always and everywhere insight into pension || The new Zwitserleven app
We have completely revamped the MijnZwitserleven app. With this app, participants now have direct insight into their pension. Moreover, the app is now more stable, and the performance has improved!
Readtime 1 minutes