Zwitserleven Selectie Fonds.

Zwitserleven selects the investment categories for this fund. The fund currently invests in real estate, bonds of companies with a low credit rating, bonds of countries with emerging economies and in microfinance in the form of private loans to financial institutions in emerging- and developing countries.

What does the fund invest in?

What is the investment objective?

The investment objective is to at least match the return of composite benchmark, which is made up of the underlying benchmarks of the constituent funds.

How does the fund invest?

The fund invests in specially selected funds. These can be Zwitserleven investment funds, but also funds of other asset managers. This is a fund with a high risk profile. This will be taken into account in the selection of investment funds. The selected investment funds are evaluated on a regular basis. Funds may be replaced by similar funds. Other investment funds may also be added. Each month the investments are aligned with this standard distribution.

How sustainable and responsible does the fund invest?

How sustainable and responsible does the fund invest?

With the Zwitserleven Selectie Fonds, Zwitserleven has opted for a fund with a socially responsible investment policy. The fund promotes environmental and social characteristics, as referred to in Article 8 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). You can read about these characteristics in detail in chapter 11.6 and in the appendix from page 109 of the prospectus Zwitserleven Institutionele Beleggingsfondsen at the bottom of this page. A summary of the sustainability information can be found in the Duurzaamheidsinformatie Zwitserleven Selectie Fonds also at the bottom of this page. Information about the developments and results of the past year with regard to sustainability can be found in chapter 1.11 of the Annual Report Zwitserleven Institutionele Beleggingsfondsen.

The data below refers to July 2024.

CO₂-uitstoot in tonnen
Waterverbruik in liters (x1000)
Waterverbruik is niet van toepassing voor dit fonds

What fund costs are charged?

Fund costs are charged and consist of:

  • Ongoing Charges Figure, which is charged daily to the fund's price. The expected Ongoing Charges Figure of the Zwitserleven Selectie Fonds is 0.21% per annum.
  • Management fees that are settled with the investment value every month. Information about management fees can be found in your pension scheme rules.
  • The fund charges a fee when investors are entering or exiting the fund, because it must buy or sell investments. Therefore the fund charges an entry fee or an exit fee on the net asset value of the fund. The entry fee is 0.20% and the exit fee is 0.075%.
Don't take any unnecessary risks. Read the Key Investor Information Document.

Zwitserleven Selectie Fonds is a sub fund of Zwitserleven Institutionele Beleggingsfondsen. The manager of Zwitserleven Selectie Fonds is Cardano Asset Management N.V.. Zwitserleven Selectie Fonds and Cardano Asset Management N.V. are registered with the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). For this sub fund, a prospectus and Key Information Document are available on The information shown on this web page may not be regarded as investment advice.