28-05-2024New management of Zwitserleven PPI
28-03-20242023 Annual figures for Athora Netherlands
17-11-2023The Netherlands has the world’s best pension system
06-09-2023First place in sustainability ranking.
04-04-2023Good financial results for parent company Zwitserleven.
18-10-2022Athora Netherlands to acquire WTW’s PPI in the Netherlands.
04-10-2022Pension fund A.C. Nielsen transfers its pension to Zwitserleven.
08-09-2022Athora Netherlands interim figures 2022.
14-03-2022Zwitserleven nominated for Pensioen Pro Award.
01-03-2022Hans Visser leaves Athora Netherlands
02-09-2021Zwitserleven leads the way in sustainable investing.