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Investment forms

Overview investment forms


HorizonBeleggen is one of our standard investment forms. We take care of your investments for you. No investor profile is required for this investment form.


DynamischBeleggen is our other standard investment form. We take into account your pensionable salary in this regard. No investor profile is required for this investment form.


We determine how we will invest for you by creating a personal investor profile. This indicates what type of investor you are and how much risk you are willing to take.


With VrijBeleggen, you choose how you wish to invest and how much risk you wish to take. Your investor profile determines the appropriate degree of risk for you.

For which investment forms do I need an investor profile?

You have a pension scheme through your employer, in which the contribution is invested. Your employer has determined the standard way of investing in this case: HorizonBeleggen or DynamischBeleggen. And from which investment forms you can still choose: ProfielBeleggen and VrijBeleggen. For ProfielBeleggen and VrijBeleggen, you need an investor profile.

This is how investing for your pension works.

This is how investing for your pension works.

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What is an investor profile?

An investor profile indicates the kind of investor you are. The investor profile is the result of questions about your personal financial situation, your knowledge of and experience with investing and the risk you wish to take with your investments. The result of the questionnaire determines which of the five investor profiles can be assigned to you: cautious, defensive, neutral, ambitious or offensive. It is a good idea to invest (or have your investments made) according to this investor profile, but you may also make a different choice.

Where can I find my investor profile and can I change it?

You must ensure that your investor profile matches your personal situation. It is thus sensible to check once a year whether your investor profile is still appropriate. Or sooner, if there are changes in your situation in the meantime. For example, if you get married, have children or if you and your partner split up. You set your investor profile at least once every five years (each time) in MijnZwitserleven. This is possible if you use the ProfielBeleggen or VrijBeleggen investment form. If you have previously completed the questionnaire and submitted your investor profile, you will see your current investor profile in MijnZwitserleven. Log in to with your DigiD or with your e-mail address and password.

To MijnZwitserleven

Financial risk
With your investments you finance a benefit that can be used on the retirement date for the pension benefits. The size of the pension benefits is not guaranteed. Thus you run a financial risk. The size of the investment premium of your employer and the returns on the investments both influence the size of the capital on your retirement date. This benefit and the rate for the purchase of a pension income on your retirement date determine the size of your pension income.
You receive information from us once a year about the risks of your investments for your pension. We check whether those risks correspond with the risk that you are willing to take.

Your pension contributions go towards sustainable investments.

Your pension contributions go towards sustainable investments.

The Zwitserleven Feeling is inextricably linked to a beautiful world.  Your pension contribution is invested in sustainable investment funds.   


View the prices of all investment funds offered by Zwitserleven and its fund managers. A number of funds also show the ESG scores, CO2 emissions and water use.

Check out our funds

Need advice on your choices?

We are happy to help you make choices for your pension. These choices may have major financial implications. Our guidance covers only your pension scheme with Zwitserleven. Whether a choice is right for you obviously depends on your whole personal situation, now and in the future.
Perhaps you should consider contacting an adviser, who can give you an overview of all your financial affairs and help you to make the most suitable choices.