We are making changes in the online environment.
A new personal online environment
With effect from the transition, you will have access to the new MijnZwitserleven. Here you will arrange important matters for the pension of your employees, as you are already able to do in your online environment. For example, you can report employees entering or leaving employment, download participant reports, make salary changes and view invoices and specifications. In addition, your employees can log on to the new MijnZwitserleven to view their pension income, investments and insurances for their partner and children. They can also view documents such as the Uniform Benefit Statement (UPO) and submit changes.
MijnZwitserleven User Agreement
You will also receive a user agreement for MijnZwitserleven for the employer. With this agreement, you can indicate who will become the main user of MijnZwitserleven at your organisation. This person can then authorise other colleagues to access the online environment. You can decide for yourself which data the colleagues can see. It is also possible to give your adviser access to this environment. The main user can also revoke access for colleagues and advisers. Please note: the existing user rights for the current online environment will not be automatically transferred to MijnZwitserleven.
Separate log on for the UPA environment
Do you use UPA, the Uniform Submission of Pension Data, for your monthly pension submission? This is the standard method for exchanging payroll data between your payroll administration and our pension administration. The UPA allows us to process changes on a monthly basis after your approval. You can now manage the pension submissions and the checks from your employer portal. You can also view the status of your submissions here.
With effect from the transition to the administration system of Zwitserleven PPI, you will receive a separate log on for the UPA environment of the Zwitserleven Pensioen (mijnpensioenaangifte.zwitserleven.nl). In that case, you will no longer arrange all matters relating to the UPA submission in your employer portal. You will receive more practical information about this later.