
We have changed the way we invest.

Investment risk survey

In April 2024, we conducted a survey among employees who participate in the pension scheme, looking at the level of risk they wish to take with their pension capital on average and what they are expecting in terms of pension income. It is a legal requirement to conduct this type of survey on a regular basis. The investment form we use as standard for investing must also be consistent with the results of the survey. We invest using the standard investment form, unless your employee makes a different choice.

The survey showed that participants on average wished to invest with slightly higher risk, with the aim of achieving a higher ‘expected pension’. Higher risk also means that the chance of a lower pension increases. The adjustments resulting from the research have been implemented in the standard investment form DynamischBeleggen.

Read more about the results of the survey

Investment forms

The investment forms have different names and have been adjusted in certain aspects


DynamischBeleggen is the new standard way of investing. Before the transition, the Slimme Standaard was the standard way of investing. In DynamischBeleggen, we continue to invest based on a lifecycle that depends on your employee's salary. For former employees, we no longer receive information about their salary from you. Starting three months after your employee has left the company, we only consider the age of the former employee and no longer their salary. DynamischBeleggen yields a higher 'expected pension' than the Slimme Standaard but is riskier. This aligns with the research findings on investment risk. We invest entirely in Zwitserleven funds.

More about DynamischBeleggen


An employee can choose to switch to ProfielBeleggen. This is the replacement for Slim Laten Beleggen. In ProfielBeleggen, an employee creates a personal investor profile. This indicates how much risk the employee can and wants to take. The employee then chooses to invest in one of the matching lifecycles managed by Zwitserleven. We invest entirely in Zwitserleven funds.

More about ProfielBeleggen


Did your pension scheme offer Zelf Beleggen and did an employee choose this option? Then the employee was responsible for the investments and had to make independent choices. We have replaced Zelf Beleggen with VrijBeleggen. In this investment form, the employee also invests entirely under their own responsibility and makes independent choices. In VrijBeleggen, we offer different funds.

More about VrijBeleggen


Did your pension scheme offer the Pensioenstabilisator? This investment form has been discontinued. Employees who are 15 years or less from the state pension date can now choose PensioenZekerheid. With PensioenZekerheid, they can use (a part of) their capital to purchase a guaranteed old-age and partner's pension from Zwitserleven.

More about PensioenZekerheid

Adjusting the retirement date

Your employee can bring forward or postpone the date on which he or she actually wishes to start the pension. Your employee can contact Zwitserleven if they:

  • wish to bring forward or postpone the retirement date; and
  • wish to and are able to retire within 5 years.

We can then inform your employee further and adjust the retirement date. We will then use the adjusted retirement age when calculating your pension overview (UPO). The investments may be adjusted as a result.

Timing of investing pension contributions based on assumed payment

With the transition to the administration system of Zwitserleven PPI, we invest according to the 'assumed payment' method. This means that we add the pension contribution to your employees' pension capital, even if you have not yet paid the pension contribution. This also applies to changes you report to us late (retroactive changes). You will pay interest if you pay the pension contribution late or report changes to us late.

Example of retroactive effect of change

  • 1. Employee A joined you on 1 September 2024, but you only registered them on 30 September 2024 via MijnZwitserleven. The monthly contribution for this employee is €500. We will charge you for the contribution due in September via the October change invoice. We will charge a fee for interest, as the contribution was not paid on time. This fee has been rounded (1/12) * 4% * €500 = €1.67.
  • 2. Employee B left employment on 1 September 2024, but you only deregistered them in MijnZwitserleven on 30 September 2024. The monthly contribution for this employee amounts to €400. You will receive the excess contribution paid in September via the October change invoice. We will also pay you a fee for interest, rounded to (1/12) * 4% * €400 = €1.33.

The interest fees therefore apply both ways. They are settled against each other as far as possible.

Daily trading

We invest the contributions for your employees. From the transition onwards, we operate on a daily basis. This means that when an employee wants to adjust the investments or the form of investment, we usually execute this within two working days.

Investment costs per category will remain the same

The way we settle the investment costs has changed after the transition to the administration system of Zwitserleven PPI. However, the amount of investment costs per category has remained the same. We split the investment costs into ongoing charges and management fees. The ongoing charges are settled in the fund prices. The management fees are settled via your employees' pension capital. We have agreed with you that your employees will receive a discount on these costs. The discount is calculated so that the costs (ongoing charges plus management fees) per category remain the same as what your employees previously paid.

To achieve a higher 'expected pension' in the standard investment form DynamischBeleggen, we invest more in the category of equities. The investment costs for this category are higher. As a result, the investment costs for participants with the investment form DynamischBeleggen will increase. From the transition, the investment costs will be divided into ongoing charges and management fees. The ongoing charges will be included in the prices of the funds. The management fees will be deducted from the pension capital of your employees. The new discount is calculated so that the costs (ongoing charges plus management fees) per category will be the same as your employees currently pay.

To obtain a higher ‘expected pension’ in the standard investment form DynamischBeleggen, we will invest more in the marketable securities category. The investment costs for this category are currently higher, and will also be higher after the transition. As a result, the investment costs for participants with the DynamischBeleggen investment form will increase.

We distinguish various categories:

Category Before transition After transition
A (marketable securities) Fund return

Zwitserleven Credits Hypotheken Mixfonds
Zwitserleven Selectie Fonds
Zwitserleven Wereld Aandelenfonds

B (bonds)

Matching Lang fonds

Matching Kort fonds
Zwitserleven Medium Duration Fonds
Zwitserleven Long Duration Fonds
Zwitserleven Ultra Long Duration Fonds

The rebates and a breakdown of the investment costs can be found in the appendix ‘Overview of costs and charges’ of your amended administration agreement. For employees who opt for Vrijbeleggen, the rebate given on the management fees is equal to the rebate applicable to category A (marketable securities).